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Volume 4L, 18L
Fluid color Clear
Viscosity 1
pH 14.7

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Product Description

This concentrated alkaline cleaner contains D-Limonene. This powerful cleaner permeates and dissolves oil stains in engine compartments and stubborn stains accumulated on interiors. Although it is slightly less easy to use than LIMO CHEMIE, it has more cleaning power.

For engine compartments and door hinges, dilute 0-5x or more
For interiors, dilute 5-10x or more


Engine Compartment Cleaning

Engine Compartment Cleaning: In recent years, vehicles have become more electronically controlled and hybrid cars have become more common, making their engine compartments more complex and delicate areas. In many cases, it is difficult to use large amounts of water when cleaning them, necessitating that contaminants be removed more efficiently. The LIMO series uses Limonene’s excellent permeability in combination with steam to clean well, efficiently, and with minimal risk.