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Lumi Cloth 

Size 320mm×480mm
Color Blue

Lumi Cloth Characteristics
Water absorbency ★★
Thickness ★★
Length of fibers ★★

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Lumi Cloth

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Product Description

Because it uses microfibers, this cloth does not damage painted surfaces when wiping off coating agents or waxes.
Also great for washing your car because of the cloth’s excellent water absorption and wiping effect.
Antistatic cloth. Maintains the same performance even after repeated washing.
The cloth can be used equally well wet or dry.

Fibers Used: MicroStar

The secret of MicroStar microfibers is that each fiber is one-hundredth the width of a human hair. The sharp edge of the fibers gets into invisible crevices and wipes away all micro-dust. The fibers are long, have great water-absorbing properties, and do not leave any fuzz behind.

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