For window film that uses PET material, as is normally the case, the film is made to conform to the surface by applying heat to cause shrinkage. In contrast, paint protection film exploits the elasticity of its polyurethane resin material to conform to complex 3D shapes. The key difference here is that paint protection film does not require heat. The film is stretched around the surface at room temperature using the flexibility of the film itself. Fixing the film in place accurately requires a special squeegee that can slide softly over the surface, and a special mounting liquid to securely fix the position of the tensioned film. A unique gel application fluid can be used to simultaneously lubricate the film and fix it in position, enabling you to achieve a high quality installation quickly and without hassle. By understanding these characteristics of the film and appropriately using the tools suitable for the situation, you can achieve a beautiful finish with a level of transparency so high that you will not be able to tell the film is there at first.
[Paint Protection] Installation methods to utilize the characteristics of PPF
The UNIGLOBE Protection System's high-quality film and convenient pre-cut data provide the basis for a high quality service, but ultimately, the most important aspect of any auto detailing service is the technique used. In order to apply a 2D film to the 3D surface of the body using its elasticity, it is important to understand the characteristics of the film itself, which differ entirely from window film.

Establishing and disseminating techniques
Paint protection film has different characteristics from window film, and it is important to understand these before installation. However, attempting to teach yourself installation techniques from scratch would be inefficient and interfere with profit building activities. We believe that providing our customers with comprehensive and reliable information based on the practical expertise that we have cultivated will contribute to the growth of paint protection film, and have prepared installation technique training programs for that purpose. These programs are taught by full-time instructors who learned installation techniques from the basics in the United States, carried out research in Japan and have practical experience with hundreds of vehicles. The instructors provide accurate and practical guidance to enable class participants to acquire basic techniques for installing paint protection film.

Short-term practical training
The three day training course is limited to a small group of no more than three people, allowing the trainees and instructor to communicate closely. The trainees study the fundamentals of film and installation techniques in a classroom setting, and receive comprehensive training to enable them to handle a variety of situations, with the goal of having the trainee introduce paint protection film to their business. The course content is tailored to the skill level of the trainee and aimed at teaching the most important points in a short time. We strive to help customers increase their skill level by providing practical assistance and information as needed. For customers who are unsatisfied with their skill level, we also offer supplementary courses.