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Clay & Related Items

FE TRADE’s original clay bar has been optimized for different purposes in cooperation of a manufacturer based on experience and theory.
Clay composition and purpose of use
There are various clay bars which remove iron dust and paint overspray from a vehicle’s body. These colorful clay bars have distinct physical properties which are well suited to different jobs, allowing for a higher level of detailing. However, there are some products sold on the market which simply have different colors but purport to have different uses, even though their physical properties are exactly the same. Furthermore, some products have a range of particles in the clay bar and claim that their advantage is in being able to handle all kinds of jobs. However, due to the properties of clay bars, it would be difficult to give them such characteristics.

Light blue Clay

Main uses: For new or late model used cars
Abrasive particle size: Without polishing compound
Elasticity :

Green Clay

Main uses: All purpose
Abrasive particle size: Special finishing
Elasticity :

Orange Clay

Main uses: For small particle paint overspray removal
Abrasive particle size: Medium cut
Elasticity :

Black Clay

Main uses: For iron dust and paint overspray
Abrasive particle size: Medium cut
Elasticity :

Dark blue Clay

Main uses: For large particle paint overspray removal
Abrasive particle size: Medium cut closer to heavy cut (with alumina)
Elasticity :

Ivory Clay

Main uses: For iron dust accidents and removal of large iron dust particles
Abrasive particle size: For iron dust accidents and removal of large iron dust particles
Elasticity :
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